By Christine Rueter, Ellicott City, Maryland, USA
A frenzied kid
skirts the Sun
and giggles
while somewhere in the middle
giants drag along their cliques.
On the outskirts
Pluto and friends
grow bored
each minute just a foot shuffle
to the right.
Once in a blue
a planet tattles
on one of its moons
to the Sun.
Many near misses
in this tiny room
where Jupiter and Saturn
elbow each other
and the asteroids
wink at Mars
not so far away
after all.
By Fernanda Barbosa, São Domingos de Rana, Portugal
With glass made eyes,
born from Galileo’s wondrous mind,
I fly and wonder the above skies.
Between seeds of life and thunders of death,
I glare at a brave hunter carrying
lights of fire in his belt.
I follow a graceful swan dancing
to the sound of Lyra, crying on its doorstep.
And I fly and wonder.
Wings wide open,
in the arms of Milky Way, I ride.
I stumble over scattered clouds of dust and star bursts, so bright and olden.
How many earthlike planets do you hide?
Full of demons and gods, kings and queens,
It’s like a fairytale of the future.
Kepler’s smooth mirror, made of silvery reflected dreams,
in its height and venture,
already found many. Huge hope, ferocious faith...
In my dazzling journey, far from home,
I urge and dare.
And I ask again: Are we alone?
I walk through islands of sparkling flares and hungry holes of absence.
I float upon seas of spectrum ashes and scraps of helium hair,
all fragments of Big Bang’s worn-out presence.
And I fly and wonder.
Look, I caught a glimpse of Princess Andromeda’s curls.
So many light-years away, yet so close.
How would it feel to lie down in your diamond curves?
Endless marvel and prodigy, I’m sure!
Therefore, I’ll keep flying and wondering for an eon more.
By Arma Malik, Brampton, Ontario, Canada
And how after leaving me
senselessly speechless,
you softly speak to me
with your sublime self
glittering in soulful sky.
A million stars entrenching
the fine fibre weaving the fabric
that falls on our portion of the planet
reminding me in its stillness of the place
where sound ceases to exist,
and wonder intertwines instead.
A place where light travels beyond the self-imposed
illusions of time, and combines with our horizon
hefting in place reflections of inflections
blueprinted into our souls,
which draw their light, like the stars.
And in that moment, staring into the depths of an inverted ocean
which I can’t yet swim deeply into,
I find myself contracted into stardust,
and expanded beyond confinement.
By Shreyas Gokhale, Jabalpur, India
Every month on my horizon, I welcome new friends.We meet, we talk, I watch them go and seek who now ascends.
In January when it's frosty chill, the pale Pollux comes outwith cold Castor, I watch them from my fireplace window, route.
Comes in the February, the springing spring, the Regulus in the sky,With gleaming bright, it makes my eves so cursorily pass by.
The March comes roaring, testifying the fire come atopwith Denebolic tail, the lion roams the dark woods off the crop.
Arrive in April, in the night, the Arcturus, Spica twinsThe great bear starts squeezing the nights and thus the summer begins.
In the month of May, comes Zubeneschamali, so simply does it come.So beautifully it goes as well, along the road of the rhumb.
The longest days are marked by June, with scorching heat around,The Antares still moving calmly, with a scorpion tightly wound.
Aha! Has come the shower of rains, with the jolly month JulyAlso have come, the Nunki-Kaus, hiding in the clouds with sky.
In August, though I want to meet the bright and big Altair,but again the rains and the mighty clouds stop me from reaching there.
Come September, bring along with you The Markab and AlgenibAnd clean up all the sky again, it is cut of your jib.
Oh! welcome all those longer nights who started in October,You brought with you the Hamal star, and such a pleasant weather.
The month November brings with it, some coolness in the sun,and lovely Pleiades march along, meeting me one by one.
Coated with the ice, December, winter it does bring The Meissa fixed on the hunter’s head, brings the Christmas zing.
This is how, come stars to me, to tell me their tales.The tales which started long ago follow me, ancient trails.
by Joanna Tilsley, London, U.K.
Everything else has its yin and its yang,
But you—what do you have?
Your geodesic singularity gives no quarter.
How is it that you are infinitely vast,
And yet infinitely small?
Is this the point where magi lose their minds?
By Moira Doyle, Los Angeles, California, USA
Oh, there you are
I was hoping you would be out tonight,
My love
I am shining especially bright tonight
Just for you
I’ve missed you these many months
Being on the other side of the Earth
Look how cute you look with your curls
Flowing out from under your warm hat
There are many beauties
And many lands within my sight
But you are the loveliest
I have held you precious since I first saw you
Wrapped in soft cloth
Asleep in your father’s arms
You were so small!
I have watched you grow each season
As the Earth rotated
Always sad to get the last glimpse of you
As you rotated away from me
Joyous to see your home on the earth
Come around into view again
Waiting for a cold clear night
When you would come out to see the stars
Oh! There you are my love
Someday you will return to eternity
And we will always be together