In October 2018, Mirel Birlan (Romania/France), Roger Ferlet (France), John Goldsmith (Australia), Valentin Grigore (Romania), Mike Simmons (USA, president founder of Astronomers Without Borders), Jessica Santascoy (USA), Roger Hambleton (Canada/UAE), Johannes Stuebler (Austria) and Audrey Fischer (USA) gave the first live session of AWB lectures during the Targoviste International Astro-Fest, organized by Valentin Grigore and SARM, an event that included also the Romanian national astronomy conference, an outdoor astronomy festival, exhibitions of astrophotography by award-winning authors and astroart by children, and an international AWB-SARM astropoetry/cosmopoetry show (directed by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe with the support of Valentin Grigore and the singer-songwriter Dan Mitrut).
In memory of that amazing event, we have conceived the following work:
By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (poem) and Valentin Grogore (photo)
Among Ophiucus, Scutum and Sagittarius,
the celestial “Argonauts”
Saturn and Jupiter,
through their apparent motion,
and the terrestrial “Argonauts”
Astronomers Without Borders,
through their telescopes,
two different ways
pursuing the same goal:
of course,
not the Golden Ram,
but just the Galactic Horse!