- Published: Thursday, October 16 2014 18:24
Dan Durda is a self-proclaimed Renaissance man. Scientist, artist, spelunker, pilot, he even has an asteroid named after him (6141 Durda).
This month, especially for AWB, Dan writes candid articles about how arts and science came together for him naturally and how his art has evoled throughout the years with the help of digital media.
In My (Non)-Tradtional Path to Space Art he explains how science was a big influence in his young life and how art was always just "there". A huge change in his art came when he discovered Photoshop!
In Opening a Digital Pandora's Box Dan explores how the digital media changed the way that he created art. He states that he went through a media evolution - transitioning from two different eras in his art BA and AA that's Before Avatar and After Avatar, says Durda.
Much of Dan's work stems from his fascination with other worlds. In All These Worlds, he examines how peering out into the Milky Way on summer nights in Michigan inspired thoughts about what other planetary systems might be like out there.
For 20+ years as a professional astrophysist Dan's studied asteroids, however his passion for exoplanets remains. "My love of exoplanets and alien life lives on through my artwork.."