Barbara de Ligt (Part 2) - AstroArtist of the Month, December 2014
Work: The Maya
- Published: Monday, December 08 2014 15:46
Final result, "Space Goddess" oil on canvas 80x80 + 80x40 cm:
First Barbara starts sketching in white with her fingers and/or pencils on a black painted canvas. After that, she starts colouring it, usually very thin and with several layers of paint (mostly 4 or 5) that need to dry every 5 days. The female figure was first drawn on paper, then cut out, placed on the canvas and used as a template. The rest of it was painted intuitively.
The Maya refers to the (Hindu) word/name ‘Maya’, which means ‘illusion’. Anything which is added to reality is an illusion. May be, nothing really is what it seems to be…
Barbara depicted a version of the Goddess Maya, the one who sees through all realities, though all layers of illusionary veils that distract people from seeing the world in its full spectrum. Besides seeing clearly, this goddess is also able to influence matter; to create or destroy the veils. She’s able to manipulate people’s realities and not afraid to pull off veils and stand there naked, in her full authenticity, where everything is finally able to flow freely, but vulnerable and unshielded from the world around her.
With the publicity of this painting, Barbara also wrote a poem:
She´s authentic and open,
Naked and vulnerable
And because she respects all of her parts,
She allows them to be nourished by sunlight
She passed through many worlds
Threw herself in the heat,
Got burned and then pushed away
They didn´t want her true self
It was too much of a shock
She was too beautiful,
Too light or too clear
She couldn’t be true…
So she had to be contained or controlled
She was a distraction for men
Who had ruled the world for ages,
Afraid of losing powers
And forgotten to take her light as ignition
To enlighten that whole world
With their eyes covered with veils
And used to lies, games and illusions,
The people sticked to what was familiar
She was someone who couldn’t conform
And considered all wrong
‘How can you trust your own senses?!
You should trust a book or a teacher!’
But by acknowledging her senses,
Primarily given by the Force of Nature,
Who spoke to her, in that way, directly,
She kept her flame burning
And by this, causing a lot of energy
Rushing through her subtle body,
Along with the distractions of modern times,
She was forced to train her grounding
The hourglass of conformation has broken
The Goddess pulled off her cloak
And many worlds of believe are shattered
The age of truth has begun,
From the subtle realms of mind,
to the very dense matter of the body
From issues about believe and gender,
To hardcore science and business
Total renewal and cleansing is happening
Now, on all layers of reality
Please, take responsibility for your life
And for passing it on to the children
Storms are raging and blood is falling
But hail to the one who is True from the Heart
And dares to stand in the fire