For my final blog this month i wanted to show my latest artist impression. I created this artist impression for Franck Marchis (SETI Institute) together with Daniel Jontof-Hutter and Jason Rowe (NASA Ames Research Centre).
This illustration depicts the solar system Kepler 138. The significance of this discovery is that exoplanet Kepler 138b is quite small compared to most exoplanets; it has about the same size and mass as Mars.
The gravity of Kepler 138’s three planets pull them into a slightly different position than they would have been if they had not been influenced by each other. This enabled the scientists to calculate the mass of the planets.
The illustration depicts the position where the planets are, and where they should have been if they had not been effected by each other with a “ghost image” on that position.
The article was a.o. published by and to my great pride the illustration was placed right on top of the homepage.
Other than that i’ve also very much enjoyed creating astronomy related fantasy illustrations.
I’m still working on various astronomy projects, to stay informed about my newest illustrations you can find my newest work on:
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