(This is the AWB-InOMN page. The main InOMN site is at http://observethemoonnight.org/ )


SEEING THE MOON... in a whole new light

2009 was a very big year for lunar exploration. Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) began orbiting the Moon, returning more amazing images and more digital data in its first year than any other planetary mission in history. Meanwhile, Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) crashed into the Moon's south polar region in an unprecedented search for water below the Moon's surface.

International Observe the Moon Night (InOMN) - September 18, 2010 - followed NASA's first celebration of these historic missions as part of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 in public events called "We're at the Moon!" (for LRO) and "National Observe the Moon Night" in the USA (for LCROSS). Astronomers Without Borders (AWB) partnered with NASA missions and centers and others to bring the excitement of observing and learning about Earth's closest neighbor in space to the public -- putting the "International" into InOMN.


Webcast of InOMN event from the Pacific Astronomy and Telescope Show in California, USA!
The Pacific Astronomy and Telescope Show (PATS) in Pasadena, California, USA is the premier astronomy showcase program on the west coast of the United States, attended by manufacturers, dealers and more. Astronomers Without Borders was there with a booth in a large exhibition of images from The World at Night .

To celebrate InOMN, the Astronomy Outreach Foundation, a new astronomy industry group created to increase interest in amateur astronomy, held a public Moon Party.  With many of the astronomy industry leaders taking part we thought you might want to join the fun.  AWB recorded the event, with AWB President Mike Simmons hosting and interviewing some of the VIPs and the public visitors.

The program includes interviews with Sky and Telescope editor-in-chief Bob Naeye, the presidents of Vixen, Stellarvue and Explore Scientific, Galileo Galilee (using a modern telescope!) and a mix of visitors.

Be sure to watch both parts!

InOMN at PATS, Part 1, with Galileo (who looks a lot like Vic Maris, President of Stellarvue); Briand Dies, President of Vixen; and Penny Distasio of OPT; all representing the new Astronomy Outreach Foundation


InOMN at PATS, Part 2, with Bob Naeye, Editor-in-Chief of Sky and Telescope magazine; a visiting amateur astronomer from Mexico City; AWB Board Member Scott Roberts, President of Explore Scientific; and a special guest appearance by Chester the Cocker Spaniel


NEW: See the Moon Live! Broadcasters around the world will be broadcasting the Moon live as soon as the evening of InOMN begins west of the International Date Line until it ends 24 hours later (weather permitting).
List of live broadcasters

New Project: Moon and Culture
The Moon and Culture project is gathering stories about the Moon in cultures around the world.  This is the beginning of a larger project on astronomy in cultures worldwide.  What better way to start than with the most prominent object in our night sky?

Call for Lunar Astropoetry
The Perseids brought out an unprecedented “storm” of fine meteor poems.  Now it's time to turn our focus to the Moon.  Read the call by Astropoetry Blog editor Bob Eklund.

Lunar Photography Contest
Calling all aspiring lunar photographers!  Enter the first InOMN lunar photography contest .  There are three categories to fit everyone's style.

Call to Action in Several Languages
If you'd like to send AWB's Call to Action for InOMN to others just click on your language below for the version you need:


Main InOMN Resources Page
Lots of great resources to help you plan, advertise and conduct your event. Download fliers with information and blank ones where you can fill in with your event information, a Moon map for the night of InOMN, a Moon observation journal, links to information pages for lunar features visible that night and more.

InOMN logos:
InOMN Logo Circle
InOMN Logo Rectangle

Moon facts and missions

Links to many more Moon resources

Questions or comments?  Write to us:

Thilina Heenatigala
AWB InOMN Coordinator
Astronomers Without Borders

Mike Simmons
Founder/President AWB
Astronomers Without Borders

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