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Current Projects from Mike Simmons

Live images of the total lunar eclipse

This live online viewing event is past. Watch for more online viewing opportunities from our partner observatories. A free, live webcast from Bareket Observatory in Israel will feature the total lunar eclipse on June 15, 2011. This relatively rare central eclipse - meaning the moon will pass near the center of Earth's shadow - promises to be longer and darker than usual. A similar eclipse will not occur until 2018. This could be one of the more spectacular lunar eclipses for some time! This special webcast takes place from 17.00 - 23.00 UTC (GMT) June 15 (20.00 - 02.00 Israel local time). For more information : visit the Bareket Observatory Live Lunar Eclipse page (during the event you'll be automatically transferred to the live image) Try your hand at lunar eclipse experiments! Bareket Observatory invites you to discover the Moon during the eclipse using hands on eclipse activities . Conduct your own science projects using the live lunar eclipse feed! Participants are invited to share the results of their projects on the Astronomers Without Borders web site. Share your project with others around the world! Just log in (or join) , click on the Blog tab on your profile page and start posting. Be sure to tag the post with the "Lunar eclipse 2011" tag. Need help? There are detailed instructions on creating your report . Latest observatory news: * Watch video of a recent Bareket Observatory program on the NASA Deep Space webcast . * Bareket Observatory is pleased to announce the launch of... Read More..