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Member Reports

May 09

langitselatan Global Star Party

For GAM2011 Global Star Party we hold a discussion and star party event in cultural park in Bandung. Unfortunately the weather in april wasn't good at all, so we can only watch the moon for a while and than we have a discussion session for the whole night. At the star party there were several communities in Bandung join the events that night, such as Astronomy Students Associates from ITB, Jakarta Astro Club, Astronomy Fun Club. Read More...

May 09

Astro Class, SUN day and Astro Games with kindergarten students

Actually we started these activities before GAM started on March, but the second events held in April 9th so we make it as one of GAM events from our group. It was an activity with kindergarten students in our town. The first events we have solar system presentation, telescope introduction and sun observation. It was fun indeed because they have a bunch of questions even before I started my talk. Although the sky a little bit cloudy we still had fun to observe the sun with solar glasses. The 2nd events was meant for parents and students as well. We... Read More...

May 05

Participation HAAJ in Saturn Watch (Global Astronomy Month)

2 - 3 April 2011 , is the date on which the whole community in the world can play an active role and participate in events celebrating the Global Astronomy Month (GAM) . During the month of April, many events that we can follow, one of them is on april 2-3 with the theme of Saturn Watch . We can participate by collecting friends, family or group astronomy you to get together to observe Saturn and share experiences that day with the general public. Jakarta Amateur Astronomers Association (HAAJ) Day of the same participated in the celebration after the regular... Read More...

May 04

Noite de Observação no Parque da Cidade Serra ES

No dia 12/05/2011 estaremos realizando uma atividade de contemplação do céu, onde os alunos da EMEF Eulália Falquetto Gusmann estarão a participar de uma atividade preparatória a Olimpíada Brasileira de Astronomia, ou pelo menos, estimuladora que contará com a presença dos professores do turno matutino e dos alunos acompanhados de seus pais para o estudo do céu noturno. Read More...

May 01

30 Nights of StarPeace in NZ

New Zealand was one of the last countries in the world this year to hold its StarPeace event, and what a night we had!!! Members of the Levin Stargazers, Sharing Space and StarWalker set up 2 telescopes, cameras and a webcast laptop right in the heart of the busiest downtown area of our capital city, Wellington, and wowed the crowds with spectacular views of Saturn. It was an utterly incredible night, and one I will personally never forget. There's nothing like a crowd to draw a bigger crowd, and we had a constant stream of people lining up to have... Read More...

Apr 30

GAM2011 is over, now what?

After a month long non-stop roller costar ride of astronomy in all kinds of format, we have come to the last day of GAM2011. Before I go on about how great it has been, what's going to happened next, what to expect next year. Let's take a little breather (I know I do want one after a busy month) and see how it all came together as “ Global Astronomy Month ”. Sometime after the astronomical size event; 100 Hours of Astronomy (100HA) during International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009), the Sidewalk Astronomers guru and International Sidewalk Astronomy Night (ISAN)... Read More...

Apr 29

Research and Outreach meet online and at dotAstronomy 3

Early April. The sun shines almost horizontally at this time of the year onto the buildings of New College in Oxford. This centuries old institution has seen many students and professors since its foundation in 1379. This week however, the college is looking to the future, the future of Astronomy and new media, as it hosts .Astronomy 3. This workshop is the third in a series started in 2008 that explores and creates new tools for astronomy, from compelling outreach to citizen science and professional data mining and visualisation. It turns out that all those aspects of astronomy come together... Read More...

Apr 29

Opticks - To the Moon and Back

Back in October 2009, inspired by the July celebrations for the first Moon landing, I started my research on earth-moon-earth technology (EME), determined to make an art project with it. My mind was overwhelmed by listening for the first time to sounds that bounced off the moon's surface, their distortion being so evocative of the long journey made by the radio waves from the Earth to the Moon and back! I imagined how images and colors would look like after bouncing off the Moon's surface and that's when OPTICKS and my collaboration with the CAMRAS team began. The enthusiasm for... Read More...

Apr 28

A story of success...

When I completed my degree for IT, I had a very particular image of what my job would look like. I would finish school, easily find a job, program at a desk, get promoted, and have a fancy office of my own. Most importantly, I would love doing it. Unfortunately, like a lot of careers, it didn't work out how I expected. It took me nearly a year to secure a job, and when I did, I absolutely hated it. I felt trapped. Don't get me wrong, I programming, but when you are forced to tear up and clean up... Read More...

Apr 26

Da Alquimia às Estrelas!!!

Atividade Observacional na Escola Jonas Farias na noite de 13/05/2009 Começamos a noite observando o gradual anoitecer e a maneira como as estrelas mais brilhantes foram nascendo na medida em que a influência do Sol ia desaparecendo. Então nos lançamos a observar, logo após a montagem do telescópio, uma estrela da constelação de Orion, a sua estrela mais brilhante chamada de Betelgeuse, uma estrela supergigante vermelha, com brilho realmente muito especial e avermelhado e bastante pontual. Depois que todos os alunos participantes e também alguns alunos do turno da noite puderam apreciar a ima gem da estrela, apontamos para a... Read More...

Apr 24


If you are reading this, then you probably have already seen this phrase before: April is Global Astronomy Month. This little phrase is slowly entering the minds of astronomers, be they hobby, sidewalk, or researchers of the subject. And along with this phase comes a whole range of tags, related events that are also starting to be a part of the yearly calendar of “mandatory” astronomy related events. Tags like “Global Star Party”, “Lyrid Watch”, “Saturn Watch”, and of course “SunDay”. For the third consecutive year we celebrate SunDay, the second during the “reign” of Global Astronomy Month. It all... Read More...

Apr 22

Your Moon, My Moon, Our Moon

International Observe the Moon Night (InOMN) was inspired by you. You, and people just like you, who are curious about the Moon and would like to find out more about Earth's nearest neighbor. On August 1, 2009, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Education and Public Outreach (EPO) team celebrated LRO's successful journey to and orbital insertion around the Moon by hosting a public outreach event called "We're at the Moon!" at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Greenbelt, MD. That same night, the Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) and NASA Lunar Science Institute (NLSI) EPO teams hosted a... Read More...

Apr 21

Engaging Children With Games & Storytelling

It starts with a question, how can we share Astronomy with children? It's a question we ask ourselves whenever we get an invitation to conduct programs for children. What should we do to engage children in Astronomy? How can we change the current methods of teaching Astronomy for Children? A usual 1-2hour program we do with children always starts with simple introduction to Astronomy. This is followed by a solar observing session using solar filters. BUT, is this enough? In order to get children engage more, we need to have something that they are familiar of, so we can build... Read More...

Apr 20

Discovering and Rediscovering the Night Sky

Dark skies are a precious resource for any budding astronomer. I would know. I grew up in Staten Island, New York. My little telescope and I fought the glare from one of the largest cities in the world for most of my formative years. In the end, I was never very good with an optical telescope. I'm still not, though that hasn't stopped me from becoming an astronomer. Family observing with DSBK. Dark skies also mean rambunctious kids, so we outfit them with glowing bracelets to keep track! Image credit: DSBK, Rachael Beaton Although many research astronomers were inspired by... Read More...

Apr 19

What's up in the solar system in April 2011

April 2011 will see MESSENGER begin the science phase of its orbital mission at Mercury, and should, I think, also see the start of Dawn's approach observations of Vesta. At Mars, Opportunity is back on the road again, rolling inexorably toward Endeavour. At Saturn, Cassini will continue its focus on Saturn and Titan science. Before I go into mission-by-mission detail, here's Olaf Frohn's marvelous map of where all of our explorers are on March 1. Compare it to last month's diagram to see how things have moved. Solar system exploration missions in April 2011. Credit: Olaf Frohn Exploring the inner... Read More...

Apr 18

GAM 2011 from Belgium

Global Starparty On saturday 9th, I went to a village called Forville, not too far from Namur, in Belgium. The Astronamur astronomy club had its Global Stargazing night organized right around the corner from their premisses, on a football field. Very good weather, a bit cold and a great crescent Moon. We tried our various equipment, listened to advices, saw the occultation of a magnitude 7 star , by the Moon, observed Saturn and Messier objects. I used my Dobson Orion SkyQuest xx12. What is very useful is the proximity between a room and a field. We didn't have much... Read More...

Apr 18

GAM2011 - Sun Day - Nicaragua

The Sun Day in Nicaragua was burning hot! More than 50 people among locals and tourists, gathered around a small telescope to watch the Sun with their own eyes. Luis Rivas, Yader Velásquez and myself spent together more than 3 hours under a relentless sun, inviting the people to come and look. The people was able to look through mylar filters and a filtered telescope to see the sunspots on the surface of our Star. They also had a glimpse of the vastness of space between Earth and the Sun using a scaled version of our planet and star. Also,... Read More...

Apr 16

The Sun: Not So Boring

As an ex-solar physicist, I've been watching the sun with fascination as its activity predictably ebbs and flows over an 11-year cycle. However, in recent years, our nearest star has delivered some surprises. In May 2009, I jokingly remarked in a Discovery News article that the "sun is being really boring." This was in response to the extended solar minimum that had turned our usually dynamic and explosive sun into a spotless, quiescent disk. Back then, the sun's lull had extended to 18 months after the start of Solar Cycle 24. Today, the sun is exploding with activity, crackling with... Read More...

Apr 15

Orb of Light

Glued above the sky at night Glowing orb of shining light Sweet reflection of Sun's rays Changing faces day-by-day Blemished scars of meteors fall Seen in shadowed crater walls Holds the story of time past In its surface record cast In Earth's shadow masked in blood Coat of fear, drives people mad Hide the Sun through full eclipse Fill the day in darkness bliss Pull the seas up with your tides In your light let starlight hide And high above, let ring of light Surround you in such glorious sight Read More...

Apr 15

Astronomically speaking - a rough guide to creating your own podcast

If you love astronomy and are keen to share your passion with a wide audience, one way you can go about it is through podcasting. Creating your own podcast does not require expensive equipment, and if you are reading this then it is likely that you already have access to a computer of some description, so you're half way there. The ingredients you need to get going are: a microphone, a computer, audio editing software, an internet connection, and an idea. Firstly, let's look at equipment. If you have access to a stand-alone voice recorder and microphone then that is... Read More...

Apr 15

Space Scoop - Bringing news across the Universe to children around the world

Universe Awareness has started a collaboration with the European Southern Observatory (ESO) to produce the astronomy news service Space Scoop — versions of ESO Science and Photo Releases that are written specifically for children aged between 7 and 11 years old. Space Scoop is meant to feed children's curiosity about the Universe, by allowing them to access ESO releases. This project is a contribution of UNAWE to the Global Astronomy Month 2011. Our plan is to expand the service to other astronomical organisations and institutions. If you are a teacher or educator, you can print the story and image and... Read More...