By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (text and photos) and Florin Alexandru Stancu (design)

(August 20 - September 6)
Astro-photo-poem (cosmopoem) by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe

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My favorite clock building in Bucharest
(nicknamed Little Paris before World War 2)
is the CEC Palace,
which was made in 1897-1900
by a French architect
(assisted by Romanian engineers).

This building includes also
my favorite architectural clock lunette
(from Little Moon in French).

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Unfortunately, when I tried
to take a few evening pictures there,
the street lights stopped me aggressively.

However, not too far away,
I remarked Arcturus,
who looked like
a cell of artificial illumination.

“Could your favorite clock building
show the exact time in the star systems
of the constellation of Boötes?” -
Alpha Boötis finally asked me,
watched by
a “parhelion” of light pollution.

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