Arianna Ricchiuti of Bisceglie, Italy submitted a great Members' Report about her solar viewing during the solar eclipse that happened this past March 20. She's so proud that she can help people find objects in the sky with her telescope and says that she now holds her own observing events in collaboration with Planetario Sky-Skan in Bari! To read more about her experience, visit her complete Members' Report.

She truly enjoyed sharing her knowledge with both grown-ups and kids, "This experience has been really rewarding because I realized people gladly listen to me while I am talking and I am able to involve both kids and adults. The students asked me lots of questions and someone said to me "Thanks". This is the most beautiful thing I can be told."

She says, "Astronomy is what I breath, what I love to do. It keeps me alive." Bravo, Arianna, we look forward to hearing about more of your star parties in the future!

If you would like to share a story about your night sky activities, submit them at Members' Reports. We would love to hear about what you are doing in your region.