
DSW Astro Adventures of Registration to the Southern cruise.

26 April 2020
Instituto Gunstar de Astronomia cultural
Expedição de Registro Astrofotográfico e Observação Binocular e Telescópica. Expedição de Astrofotografia...

Gunstars shot Out Venus and Moon

26 April 2020
Instituto Gunstar de Astronomia cultural
Registro Astro fotografico da conjunção.

Online interaction with Astronomers

26 April 2020
SPACE Chennai
Online interaction with Astronomers: Space Club students will share about their experience...

Potentially Hazardous Asteroid

25 April 2020
SPACE Chennai
Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (52768) 1998 OR2 Close Encounter - Online Observing Event.

Star Party Online CAACH Chile

25 April 2020 to 26 April 2020
Maritza Arias
Personas de todo Chile observarán desde los patios de sus casas con...

Xuanyuan astronomical society: roadside astronomy activities

24 April 2020
Yimin Gao
On the occasion of China's space day, we will set up three...

Astonishing Meteors

23 April 2020
S.K.Y Foundation

Astronomy Delight Series

23 April 2020
S.K.Y Foundation
Astronomy Delight Series : April 2020 Sky has been the friend of...