Pedro Saizar


FAA TrelewThe Patagonia region in southern Argentina is famous for its whales and penguins, but it also has a priviledged night sky. As our summer ends and the cool autumn unfolds, the Milky Way will become a dominant view in the early hours after sunset with a magnificent display of its arms extending both sides of the nucleus and glittering with stars, clusters and nebulae. The Galaxy hanging right above your head: a breathtaking view!

Tonight, I will meet for the last time with participants of an introductory workshop on naked-eye observing. This event was organized by the Fundación "Amigos de la Astronomía" in Trelew, a city of 100,000 on eastern Chubut province. In four evenings, we covered the basics of celestial navigation and stargazing: main reference marks, diurnal motion of the the Sun and stars, twilight, recognizing the main stars and constellations, and how to make home our own "observatory". About 50 neighbors of all ages are enjoying the highly practical classes. Due to the high demand, the workshop will be repeated next month.

On a separate news, with the asistance of AWB President Mike Simmons and coordinator Zoe Chee, we started a new Facebook page in Spanish: Astrónomos sin Fronteras. As I write this, the page passed the 100 likes mark, just 30 hours after it was created! Thanks to all who shared their interest in Astronomy with their own friends! If you want to follow that page, simply visit and like:

Of course, we know GAM is coming soon, so the Trelew Friends of Astronomy will be joining this great global event. We shall be announcing our plans soon.

Until next time!

Pedro Saizar

National Coordinator for Argentina

Trelew | Chubut | Patagonia Argentina

 Photo: visitors enjoying stargazing at a 2015 event. Credit: Fundación Amigos de la Astronomía.




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    About Me

    Astronomer (PhD from Ohio state University), and educator. Outreach/ education coordinator at the Museum of Paleontology Egidio Feruglio. Advisor with local "Friends of Astronomy" group.


    Location:Trelew, Chubut
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