Public Astronomical Observation

Lucas Fiori Izaias
27 July 2018
Time: 17:30 Pm until 23:00 Pm

It will be a great event not only for Iguaraçu but the whole region, will be open and free for all interested and us of the Group of Astronomical Studies of Iguaraçu - PR (GEAI) in partnership with: Astronomers Without Borders, Cas Astronomy Sarandi, Guard Dogs , GaeA - Support Group in Astronomical Events, Neither sky is the limit, NASA's What's Up, Pnossasquisa Aparecida, City Hall of Iguaraçu and with the sister radio stations Canoa Grande FM 91.3 and Rádio Canoa Grande Soft our beautiful Moon will pass exactly in the shadow of the Earth (Umbra / Penumbra), so we have the call: Total Lunar Eclipse and Penumbral at the same time in which it will be with the (Longest Duration of the Century). Our natural satellite will already be born eclipsed, that is, it will already be born in the shadow of the Earth causing us to see it born with the eclipse already happening. And on the same day there will also be the Periélica Opposition of the Planet Mars (2nd Largest of the Last 15 years) in which it will be in alignment with the Moon, besides other planets: Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and also other celestial bodies like: Asteroids, Star Clusters, Stars, Galaxies and Nebulas that will be visible to the naked eye at this same event. NOTE: If the day is raining or completely cloudy, the public astronomical observation is automatically canceled and it is good to wear warm clothes and blankets if it is cold during the observation. And for more information on how it will be this wonderful event is just click on the link that is in the description below: -de-2018 /

Contact Details:

Lucas Fiori Izaias

+55 014 (44) 98436-1109

Disabled Access:


Entry Fee:



Church Square (Center) Zip Code: 86750-000 in Iguaraçu - Parana - Brazil
