Galactic Kiwi

About Us

About Us

Galactic Kiwi is a non profit educational outreach organisation that develops and provides free access to science and astronomy programmes and equipment to schools and the public.

We aim to inspire and stimulate greater interest in science and astronomy through educational outreach
Our Mission

To encourage science and astronomy among schools and the public through bold, innovative sustainable partnerships that result in improvements in teaching and learning by: 

Developing astronomy teaching programmes for school.

 Introducing primary and secondary school students to astronomy through observation.

Actively running and developing school astronomy programmes.

Public observing programmes.

Encouraging people to actively participate and contribute to citizen science projects and local community initiatives.

Help people and schools choose astronomy equipment and to use it.

Provide access to modern robotic telescopes and research grade observatories.

Spreading awareness of light pollution, its environmental impacts and financials costs.

Coordinate and promote educational outreach.

Establishing partnerships to achieve mutual goals.

Obtaining grants and scholarships to fund our efforts



New Zealand

Selection of Our Affiliates

Featured Affiliates