Have you ever imagined a telescope flying high in the sky? Probably not, but they do exist! The vast majority of telescopes are either ground-based or space-based, but there are also airborne observatories, such as telescopes on airplanes, on balloons, and on rockets. Ground-based telescopes can receive visible light and radio waves from space, but the Earth’s atmosphere is not transparent in other wavelengths, and such observations therefore have to be carried out at a place where the Earth’s atmosphere does not play an important role. Mountain tops are generally not high enough, and space-based satellites are very expensive. A...

My first GAM blog in 2012 was on “ Astronomy for a Better World ” where I wrote about the very big picture of how we can use astronomy to make the world a better place to live in. Last year (2013) I was less visionary and more practical in terms of what we were doing and how you could be a part of it . This year I want to write about some of the lessons we are learning along this journey of Astronomy for Development – lessons that are helping to shape the implementation of a great vision....

Want to really get back to your roots? Experience the ancient? Try astronomy! Only through space can you experience the oldest things that the Universe has to offer. Ever see a meteorite in a museum? Many meteorites are full of chondrules, or tiny inclusions of rock that solidified at the very beginning of the Solar System 4.5 billion years ago. Maybe you've even gotten to hold such a meteorite? It's probably the oldest thing you will ever touch. A tiny piece of the Chelyabinsk meteorite. Credit: Nicole Gugliucci Astronomy lets you travel back in time as well. Thanks to the...

Like most things, astronomy has changed quite a bit in the 40 years I’ve been involved. And the changes come faster all the time. In the five years that Astronomers Without Borders has been we’ve had several changes in direction, not just because of new technologies but also new ideas and new opportunities. Of course, the internet has changed everything in the past five years. With connectivity in all but the most remote locations, AWB programs are available to more people than ever. Connecting across borders has gone from a rare event to a normal part of daily life for...