In early December NASA released a new global map of our Earth at night. The new ‘Black Marble’ images show that our world isn’t so black. In fact, it is littered with light. The pictures come from the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) satellite . They give a much higher resolution view than the older Earth at Night images produced by the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program. If you haven’t yet done so, you’ll want to have a look at your community through this great navigator of the imagery . You’ll be able to easily cruise around the globe and see...

I was having a Single-Serving Friend conversation on a plane ride (like in Fight Club, but not leading to such dire events) leaving Washington D.C. after a conference and it was getting heated. Naturally, having a habit of talking to everyone falling under my radar I had begun a conversation with the man next to me. He asked a common question of someone of my age, “What do you want to do after you finish college?” and the roller-coaster ride of answering that question began leading to a red-faced fellow sitting next to me. Sunset from Cerro Pachón in Chile...

A word of warning: Beware of traveling with me in town at night. Maybe that isn’t the best way to introduce myself, but I felt the need to caution the reader. I have a nasty habit of pointing out bad lights. As we journey together on this blog we are likely to encounter examples of bad lighting and I hope that you will excuse me when I point them out. You already likely know what I am talking about—lights that shine right in your eyes producing glare, lights that are unnecessarily bright, lights that wastefully shine into the sky. Glare...