
Interaction with Astronomers

04 April 2020
SPACE Chennai
Online interaction with Astronomers: Space Club students will share about their experience...

STEM & Space celebrations of Global Astronomy Month

04 April 2020
Mila Mitra
Topic:STEM & Space celebrations of Global Astronomy Month - with STEM &...

Conjunction: Venus Meets the Pleiades

03 April 2020
SPACE Chennai
Conjunction: Venus Meets the Pleiades - Personal Observing Event and stellarium images...

Live the conjunction Venus-Pleiades

03 April 2020
Valentin Grigore
Pentru că azi trebuia să ne întâlnim pe Bulevardul Eroilor la observații...

The Cosmic Quiz

03 April 2020 to 30 April 2020
Chu Owen
The Cosmic Quiz is a virtual quiz contest that The Travelling Telescope...

Venus and Pleiadês Astro Adventures On Line.

03 April 2020
Instituto Gunstar de Astronomia cultural
Com todo o cuidado a Equipe da IGTAC, a Equipe de Astrofotografia...

Lunar Explorations : Phase 1

02 April 2020
SPACE Chennai
Lunar Explorations : Phase 1 - Identifying the features of the moon...

GAM Introduction

01 April 2020 to 02 April 2020
SPACE Chennai
Presented in our social media pages about the list of events which...