Event Reports

Apr 13

Municipal Observatory of Campinas register several sprites on April 11

On the evening of Tuesday 11 April, one of the four cameras plains of municipal observatory recorded an intense Transient Events activities Bright or TLE's. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXF8sDLnUBc Read More...

Apr 13

Bright meteor recorded in northern ES

A bright meteor was recorded on the northern sky of the Holy Spirit in the early hours of April 13, 2017 at 00:25 am local time. The event was recorded... Read More...

Apr 08

Jupiter opposition from Brazil

Astrophotography by Robert Magno on Chapeco-SC, Brazil, with Jupiter on opposition and Europa, Ganimedes and Calisto. Read More...

Oct 20

Fireball over Espirito Santo - Brazil

A bright fireball over Espirito Santo, Brazil on oct,20. See video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vv5EbANyz6g Read More...

Jun 13

Meteor fireball over Sao Paulo

A fireball visual reported over Sao Paulo on fireballs.imo.net, filmed by Exoss Citizen Science, brazilian meteor monitoring. See video: https://youtu.be/3o7QoWQWBg0 Read More...

May 27

Meteor fireball over Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

On may, 25 a meteor fireball registered over Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Exoss station on Itaguai filmed this bright meteor. See vídeo . Read More...

May 17

Bright bolide recorded over Espirito Santo, Brazil

Bolide recorded in southern Espirito Santo. The Exoss Citizen Science recorded a bolide early on 05/16/2016 at 4:22 am on the cities of the southern state of Espirito Santo .... Read More...

Mar 24

How stuff works? Double stations for meteor monitoring ‪

Do you know how it is done monitoring meteors with CCTV cameras? See this animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJJDRZOi1EQ Versão português: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veGlBWTxmEw Versión Español: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5htNkYZKmY See more exoss.org Read More...

Nov 05

The "space bulls" 2015 - Taurids

Every year the Earth passes through the meteor stream called Complex of Taurids in two periods: Jun / Jul and October / November. In the first period produces meteors coming... Read More...

Nov 05

Bolide in Rio de Janeiro

At 01: 59h local time a large meteor crossed the ocean toward the state of Rio de Janeiro and its glare in the sky was realized in several states of... Read More...