Learn about light pollution and what you can do to help with these GAM programs.

Image credit: Wally Pacholka / AstroPics.com / TWAN

An important lesson to learn during Global Astronomy Month 2012 (GAM 2012) is how and why to preserve our dark night skies. You can make a difference, even if you live in a city with too many bright lights. With half of the world's population living in cities, many people have never experienced the wonder of a pristinely dark sky. Many never will. Light pollution is now, for the first time ever, obscuring our natural heritage of stars. More than 2000 stars should be visible at night, yet we see fewer than 100 from many cities. Poorly-aimed and unshielded outdoor lights send light upwards, creating light pollution and wasting energy; more than 17 billion kilowatt-hours are wasted each year, at a cost of two billion US dollars, in the United States alone.

Several dark skies events and activities will be held worldwide during GAM to promote public awareness of saving energy and saving our night sky. Events range from brief activities like listening to podcasts or day-long activities for children and adults, to campaigns that measure light pollution, a photo contest, and a year-round program to preserve dark-sky observing sites.

The GAM 2012 Dark Skies Awareness programs are listed below. There are also Dark Skies Awareness Resources on the GAM 2012 Resources page.