James Q. Jacobs


The telescope is no substitute for counting and thinking.

Ancient people, before telescopes, could have determined
basic astronomy constants by counting and thinking.
During a Metonic eclipse period, rotation observations
enable solving period proportions as follows:
235 moons = 6,958.6877 rotations
254 lunar orbits = 6,958.7014 rotations

235  :  6,958.6877  =  235.00046  :  6,958.7014
254 lunar orbits  =  235.00046 moons

Subtraction solves solar orbits
254.0  -  235.00046  =  18.99954 solar orbits
Division solves rotations per orbit
254 lunar orbits  =  6958.70257 rotations

6958.70257  /  18.9995407  = 366.25636 rotations per orbit

Download the PowerPoint:

Read more about fundamental and ancient astronomy:

Eclipses, Cosmic Clockwork of the Ancients



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