

25 th April

Pupils took part in the astronomical observations of sun - sunspot and prominences, and at the show the night sky (Jupiter, Venus, the Moon).

People involved approx. 50

They also, participated in a photo competition "Earth and Sky" and sent the drawings to a competition organized group of ARISS Poland "We fly to the moon and back to Earth. Time is short, but you can join! "
Students were involved  to  international project developed by NASA for schools - "MoonKAM Grail"  We made animations showing “ Grail probe flying across the moon' based on images obtained from probe camera..
All activities are avaible on our school website

Organizers: Zespol Szkol Miejskich nr 3, Jaslo, Poland and Obserwatorium Astronomiczne I LO, Jaslo

Observations at Obserwatorium Astronomiczne I LO


Observations at Obserwatorium Astronomiczne I LO


Working with MoonKAM project

MoonKAM project

[video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TdguU7Hr88&feature=player_embedded 100x100]


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    About Me

    Teacher of geography


    Location:Jaslo, podkarpackie