Dai Jianfeng


When the three Belt stars of Orion shine high in the south after sunset, it’s time for the spring festival in China ... the traditional Chinese New Year, starting this weekend!

The three lined-up prominent stars of Orion, which are regarded as the three gods of fortune, prosperity and longevity by Chinese. Here are the views of the three gods above all around China.

Over a billion people in China and millions around the world will celebrate the the Chinese New Year – the most important of Chinese holidays – on January 28, 2017. It’s a lunar new year and so the date is based on the date of new moon. Festivities continuing for 15 days and culminating with the Lantern Festival. Each year is associated with one of 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac. For 2017, it’s the Year of the Rooster.

Photo taken by Chinese Astronomy Photographic Alliance, show with premission.



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