
17841583 10210303406316372 2114403478 n58ee4c2849d8b 17821599 10210303406276371 148430563 n

17887333 10210320912994028 893839805 o17887070 10210320913074030 1739927011 ohi there,  we have had celebration of GAM2017 with collaboration of PTSON observatory Washim. We did introduction to telescope to school children in Samaj Prabodhan High school and Junior college,khandala washim and arranged star party near stadium in the washim city. we've done with the help of  6'' inch Newtonian telescope. Everyone was excited and curious about astronomy.


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    About Me

    I am teacher and enthusiastic about astronomy. I used to do experiments to teach my students.


    Location:Washim, maharashtra