

oposicion de saturno junio 15 2017

The Astrofotografia y Ciencia Team (Fernando Roquel Torres and Erica Correa Felix), was given the task of introducing enthusiasts in astronomy, astrophotography and space exploration through social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram) the event of the opposition of Saturn since RoquelObservatory in Caguas, Puerto Rico on 6/15/2017.

The opposition of Saturn is known as that this planet is in the opposite direction with our star the Sun. The Earth is in the middle of Saturn and the Sun getting closer to us. In the planetary simulator Stellarium indicates that it is 9,043 astronomical units (1,352,773,000 km). This distance although immense, is the ideal distance to be able to observe it with telescopes and realization of astrophotography to the King of the Rings.

According to consultations with our friends meteorologists in Puerto Rico, the weather was going to be varied with mist. Made that we totally validated it since we had to fight a lot with small drizzles and mist. But this did not prevent this event from happening for you.

For more information, enter to my blog:


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    About Me

    From an early age, I was always fascinated by all kinds of topics related to space and the pursuit of knowledge in reference to Where do we come from? If my body is made of elements formed in the stars ... we are part of them? Where we go? and other similar issues. After completing my studies in May 2011, I joined local and international astronomical societies. Thanks to social networks and the media in the country, have been known for astrophotography and astronomical all age groups explanations. Currently, I participate actively as Astrophotographer astronomy popularizer and networks, schools, universities,...


    Location:Caguas, Puerto Rico
    Puerto Rico
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