Jerelyn Ramirez


We started off viewing Venus, then Jupiter. We went to the Moon then finally Saturn.

I explained the best time to view the Moon when it isn't so full with my pan of flour. We made some craters and shined the flashlight at different angles to show how the shadows and light can make the surface more interesting. We also went over why we can't see the flag on the Moon, and why we only see one side of the Moon.

The demos really helped them understand their questions. It was so cool I had a prop for almost every question they had.


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    About Me

    I am a retired Xerox Service Engineer who enjoys outreaching to the public about astronomy. I am currently the President of our local astronomy club, the Kansas Astronomical Observers, and several members are active with our outreach programs. We have almost 60 club members. Our club is a member of Night Sky Network. We also collaborate with the Lake Afton Public Observatory. I'm also a member of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific.


    Location:Saint Marys, KS
    United States of America (the)
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