With the end of the rainy and cloud season in Goias, people had the opportunity to watch the constellation of artificial satellites from Star Link last Saturday, and of course due to the large number of objects and their brightness, many people have never before had visual contact with nothing like that which raised many questions and fear, and of course our role as scientific disseminators to help the media to calm people with information and the truth.
The Gunstar Team provided explanations about the Star Links its objectives.
Many were afraid of the starlinks colliding with aircraft with buildings and of course it seems kind of silly from the scientific point of view, but not for the lay public that has several concerns and does not know the dynamics of it.
Completed duty excluded from what the "lights in the sky" is about and of course we reassured the general public.
Com o final da epoca das chuvas e nuvens em Goias a pessoas tiveram a oportunidade de no Sabado passado assistir uma novidade no céu a constelação de satelites artificiais do Star link , e claro devido a volumosa quantidade de objetos e seu brilho muitas pessoas ate então nunca tiveram contanto visual com nada parecido oque levantou muitas questões e medo , e claro nosso papel como divulgadores cientificos a ajudar as midias a acalmar as pessoas com informações e a verdade .
A Gunstar Team prestou exclarecimentos sobre os Star Links seus objetivos.
Muitos tinha medo dos starlinks colidirem com aeronaves com predios e claro parece meio bobo do ponto de vista cientifico porem nao para o publico leigo que tem diversas preocupações e não conhecem as dinamicas do mesmo.
Dever cumprido exclarecido do que se trata as '' luzes no céu'' e claro tranquilizamos o grande publico .