by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe and Valentin Grigore, Romania

Andrei ocultatie

In the night of 15-16 July 2012, we observed a splendid occultation (Moon-Jupiter) and commemorated 7 years since Harald Alexandrescu left this world.

Dr. Harald Alexandrescu (1945-2005) was the coordinator of the Admiral Vasile Urseanu Municipal Observatory in Bucharest, a great popularizer of astronomy, a kind of idol of our generation of sky lovers, and a protector of astropoetry (he invited SARM to organize more cosmopoetry galas in the observatory).

A few months later, in January 2013 an asteroid discovered by the Romanian-international team of the EURONEAR project (led by one of his former disciples, Dr. Ovidiu Vaduvescu, today a professional astronomer in La Palma) was officially named after him.

And in July 2013, we tried to honor his memory again through the haiga below.

Andrei curcubeu


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