by Anatole Le Braz
- Published: Sunday, December 12 2010 08:00
Dans les temps anciens
Je vivrai toujours.
Voici venir la nuit.
Les temps anciens
sont illuminés d’étoiles !
In the ancient times
I shall live for ever.
Here comes the night.
The ancient times are illuminated by stars !
--by Anatole Le Braz
David Portsmouth, a leader in the fight against light pollution and a member of the Board of Directors of ANPCEN since 2005, died on December 7. He was born in the U.K. but lived in France for the greatest part of his life. His family and friends honored him with the above stanza from a poem by Anatole Le Braz (1859–1926), a Breton folklore collector and translator, highly regarded among both European and American scholars and known for his warmth and charm.