The Big Eye
By Clarence G. Underwood, California, USA
- Published: Monday, October 14 2019 03:32
A picture worthy of a frame.
The Moon is never the same.
With my big eye on the sky,
I took a picture of that guy.
Floating free in the sky we
often wonder why, the Moon
is so big, it is like the difference
between a branch and a twig.
The Earth has the biggest
Moon of all, being such a
little ball. All the giants have
Moons that are relatively small,
when compare to a big Moon
with a little ball.
Ours is not the biggest Moon
of all, but the other are
compared to giants that are tall.
As you can see, my telescope
is like a big tree. You need it
to haul in the light from those
beautiful objects seen in the
night. The day is upon me,
the night was cloud free. I'll
put my telescope away, until
another day.
Photos by Clarence G. Underwood