by Mirosław Wójcik, Poland

MirosławWójcikUnderOneSky 800 

Here we all are gathered under
one sky on a rocky planet
filled with blue oceans and richness
of life forms so astonishingly differentiated

We are here, but where do we
really come from? That is one of
many unanswered questions which are asked by
astronomers round the globe and common people

How many alien worlds are hidden
up there, just beyond one sky
mankind shares since centuries, is another
mystery to be solved by astronomy

However, here on Carl’s Sagan
pale blue dot, humanity still dreams
about travels to distant stars, galaxies
or solar systems. Maybe even Lem’s Solaris

This year the IAU solemnly celebrates its
100th anniversary. Let it be then a
great, unique opportunity to build a better
place to live under one terrestrial sky

The only precious, familiar site, located on
the outskirts of the amazing, unknown Universe,
we managed to inhabit, nevertheless still having
problems with understanding what it truly is.

on the occasion of
the IAU 100 anniversary

Mirosław Wójcik | December 10, 2019 | Poland 

Here are the image details:
The Milky Way over Paranal
Credit: G. Hüdepohl ( 


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