By Clarence G. Underwood, California, USA

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The sun shines, its light is everywhere.
The wind blows, a warm breeze we share.
The food we eat is nurtured by the sun.
The sun's heat is felt by everyone. 

Our fruit is ripened in the sun.
To us the sun is harmful, but for our melanin.
Our tides are in flux, the sun and moon affect.
From you, electricity we get; bought your solar panels yet?

Gravity from the sun keeps us in our place.
Mankind has evolved under the sun, the whole human race.
Sunflowers reflect the light as seen by everyone.
A star in the sky, our solar system has just one!

The sun is in a galaxy, billions of these exist.
We only know of life on Earth, but planets do abound.
Within our parent galaxy perhaps a billion planets are found.
The Earth is just one planet of many as we have said. 

Perhaps life teems in the galaxy, by many suns it is fed.
There must be more than me and you, the galaxy is not dead.
Maybe on some planet faraway, life is just raising its head!

Photo by Clarence G Underwood
Subject Total Eclipse of Sun, August 2017 


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