By Clarence G. Underwood, California, USA

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Shining bright, I see the light.
The moon is high in the sky tonight.
Clouds abound, they are all around,
The wind is silent no noise is found!
As I look up and the moon looks down
Our faces meet in space with smiles not frowns.
My smile is reflected by the silent clouds,
I think to myself, why must this moment die?
The moon's light will fade with the rising
Sun and I will fall asleep before the night is done.
We both orbit around our star, its light is
Reflected and we are seen from afar!
I am star stuff, so is the moon. We travel
Through space, but our night ends to soon. Man is counted
One by one. The moon is alone beneath the sun.

Photo of Moon on a Cloudy night.
Taken by Clarence Underwood with a cell phone March 6, 2020


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