By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (text and photo) and Florin Alexandru Stancu (design)

After the “Echo” series, “Inertia” of Global Astronomy Month 2020 was also necessary, having the main stake to catch two eclipses (and other phenomena) and to make the transition from the astronomical spring to the astronomical summer and the last part of the year.

Then I understood that the pandemic is not over (on the contrary, the “relaxation” brings an explosion of new cases, many people adopting a radical and attitude, “me or him” - I just hope they will also frighten the virus, but humanity continues to lose especially old people with superior universes), so in 2020 there will be no more astronomical conferences and probably I will not risk to go out of Bucharest.

And I wondered…

Would I be a prisoner in an area where the sky is a prisoner of light pollution?

Or… would I be intelligently free in an interesting city to find, after my possibilities, that the subjects of astronomy are inexhaustible?

Obviously, pushed also by the celebration of 25 years from the official start of the astropoetry / cosmopoetry movement of SARM, finally I opted for the second variant as a special challenge.

Thus “Inertia of Inertia” was born, available step by step for the rest of the entire pandemic year.

So I decided to remain an irregular observer of the urban sky (which accompanies our daily activities), thinking that I could also revisit a few places good for cultural-astronomical pilgrimages.

At the same time, Valentin Grigore will continue to realize courageous (but disciplined) expeditions and activities, while Florn Alexandru Stancu will remain on the "barricades", too.

Our “recipe” also involves respect for the pandemic rules: social distancing, avoidance of agglomerations, the mask when it is necessary.

So through this project of the Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy (SARM), part of the AWB Astropoetry Blog mega-project, we will continue our astro-journal of the pandemic year, consequently keeping up the spirit of Astronomers Without Borders, following the lessons of Global Astronomy Month 2020 and trying to explore more territories of astro-photo-poetry, as a way in the sky lovers’ moral fight: astronomy vs. pandemic.     

Just because heaven 
and earth are so beautiful
I strongly choose life
-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe-

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Photo by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe:
Young Moon in the Youth Park, Bucharest, June 23, 2020


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