By Clarence G. Underwood

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In the night sky there is so much to see.
August 2020 is a special month for me.
Jupiter and Saturn are in the eastern sky.
It is early in the evening and many more
Things will be coming by! As the night
Gets deeper there may be a meteor or two.
Around the Twelfth of the month a great meteor shower
Will entertain you. The Moon won't be present until
Late into the night, but it will be dark and
There will be many meteors in flight.
Cassiopeia will be in the sky too, so if you
Tire of meteors the great galaxy will be in view!
It will be to late at that time to catch the Milky Way, but if
You look early at the zenith it will be on display.
Around four o'clock in the eastern sky, it will
Begin to get bright and Mars will be high.
Looking towards the eastern horizon a bright
Beacon you will see. That light will be Venus
And it will be seen easily! If you have a solar
Filter for your scope, wait a little longer and
You might see sunspots on the sun with a little
Luck! The month of August has much in store.
Just find a nice spot and you'll see sights galore!

Clarence G. Underwood
California, USA

Meteor shower courtesy of NASA   


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