By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (text and photos) and Florin Alexandru Stancu (design)

Astro-photo-poem (cosmopoem) by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe

“The Sun is good:
if we resist his temperature,
he lets us go through him.”
-from a public lecture of Adrian Bruno Sonka (coordinator of the Admiral Vasile Urseanu Bucharest Municipal Observatory)-

In 2014 Adrian Bruno Sonka inaugurated
the most interesting, and spectacular astronomical offer
(pigmented by many metaphoric, inter-active
and humorous moments)
in Romania’s Capital City:
a series of lectures
(on asteroids, planets, Sun, stars and galaxies)
at the Costache Sutu Palace (made in the 1830s),
the headquarters of the Bucharest Museum of History.

In 2020, Sonka’s first lecture took place on January 11th -
on that occasion I photographed that beautiful building,
the favorite meeting place for the local aristocracy
in the 19th century -
and the last on February 29 -
on that occasion I photographed the Moon and Venus
above a superb metallic sculpture on the gate of the palace,
representing two lions that sustain a floral sun.

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On July 10, I passed by the Museum of History again.
Although it was closed for public astronomy
because of the pandemic,
I saw the Sun marking it
through an admiring beam.

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