By Clarence G. Underwood, California, USA

ClarenceUnderwoodAPieceoftheMoon 600

As a man looking up into the sky,
I see many things which the Earth
Seems to pass by. As a Black Man
I feel akin to the sky, for at night
I see myself as we blend, the night and I.
Velvet Black turning into a golden brown.
When the clouds are present the
Hues of the rising and setting Sun
Are so profound! All of my brothers,
No matter what your hue, if you look
To the sky you'll find yourself reflected
There too. Looking beyond the Earth
What usually strikes my eye is the
Pleasant gray floating Moon there in the
Sky. And when there is a lunar eclipse
Like a kaleidoscope in the sky, many
Colors are seen and few know why?
But the world keeps turning as we collect
Stones from the sky. As an Amateur
Astronomer, I like to watch as meteors
Fall, sometimes from the Moon.
Now they are meteorites and on the ground they lie.
They have become stones from the sky.
Of great value they can be sold for a price. Many
Are dark in color and will be with the buyer
The rest of their life! If they were people you
Might say they were sold into slavery. To adorn
Someone's collection, on display they would be!
Man values his possessions and he wants to
Own something new. Space is black and to the
Moon man wishes to get back. He planted his
Flag so now he wishes to claim his possession!
Why can't we understand, like the Native Americans,
We just live off the land. We are sustained by God's
Hand! We are a youthful species just beginning to
Run, let us find the value of each other so we can
Live peacefully under the Sun!

Photo image: Moon captured with cell phone attached to Telescope July 12, 2020
Photo credit, Clarence G. Underwood


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