By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (text and photos) and Florin Alexandru Stancu (design)

(July 17 and 24, 2020)
Astro-photo-poem (cosmopoem) by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe

Bucharest, the current Capital City of Romania,
was also the 4th Capital City of
the former Romanian state of Wallachia,
which had the Sun and the Moon
reproduced on its coat of arms.

Bucharest was founded in the end of the 14th century
by shepherd Bucur,
who married Dambovita
(she gave her name to the main river
which crosses the city)
and made a chapel that
was remade in the end of the 18th century.

Unfortunately, an atheist dictatorial regime
tried to reduce the visibility of this monument,
flanking it with two blocks in the 1980s.

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But the Sun and the Moon have remained
permanent friends of Bucur’s Church.

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