By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (text and photos) and Florin Alexandru Stancu (design)

Astro-photo-essay by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe, with the participation of a guest poet

In March 2020
I remarked a new neighbor
with philosophical valence,
a good man who wanted
to resist through poetry
against the pandemic.

During our long talks
in the back of the block,
I tried to transform him into my disciple,
but it was hard,
when I told him about the importance
of grammar, general culture,
history and variety of poetry,
and even elementary astronomy
he didn’t listen to me too much.

Then in September 2020
he left Bucharest for another opportunity
in the province,
so I don’t know how he will evolve
in the future.

But I remember with pleasure
an evening (August 18, 2020) when
we went to the Youth Park and I tried
to teach him the visible heavenly bodies.

At the same time
I photographed Arcturus, Jupiter and Vega,
and even my pandemic friend
watching Saturn and Jupiter.

I also collected from his “writings”
an excerpt with real poetic brilliance
(so my “lessons” were not
completely useless):

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“Feel the day and feel the night,
Trust the road that brings you to the light,
You must have eyes and be a man
Who sees the astronomical plan.”
-Radu Vlad Moroianu-

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