TWO YEARS AFTER In October 2018, Mirel Birlan (Romania/France), Roger Ferlet (France), John Goldsmith (Australia), Valentin Grigore (Romania), Mike Simmons (USA, president founder of Astronomers Without Borders), Jessica Santascoy (USA), Roger Hambleton (Canada/UAE), Johannes Stuebler (Austria) and Audrey Fischer (USA) gave the first live session of AWB lectures during the Targoviste International Astro-Fest, organized by Valentin Grigore and SARM, an event that included also the Romanian national astronomy conference, an outdoor astronomy festival, exhibitions of astrophotography by award-winning authors and astroart by children, and an international AWB-SARM astropoetry/cosmopoetry show (directed by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe with the support of Valentin Grigore...