Poster credit: Azhy Hasan (Download print version)
It's time to discover the beauty of the night sky yet again. "Beauty without Borders" returns, this time with the giant, Jupiter, which reigns supreme amongst all the planets during October. Jupiter is in a perfect position in the sky for good viewing this month. Jupiter is also the closest and brightest it’s been since 1963, and won’t be this bright and close again until 2022.
As a bonus you can also try to catch Comet 103P/Hartley 2 (check the S&T article for positioning).
We invite you to join the "Beauty without Borders: Welcome the Giant" on the 16 October 2010. Take your scopes out and enjoy the beautiful views of the Giant and share it with others. If it makes you feel poetic, create a poem send in a contribution to AWB's Astropoetry Blog.
Date: 16 October 2010
Take photos and send them to us with a a brief discription of your event! Share your event with others at AWB Memebers' Blog.
LIVE EVENT: Join with Virtual Telescope in Italy for a live, online Jupiter observations with commentary by professional staff. This is a free event. To join, you just need to access the page on Oct 16, at 19.30 UT.
Clear Skies to all for welcoming the giant!