Online Observing sessions bring the fun and excitement of observing to AWB groups and individuals worldwide. Online Observing sessions feature remote observing facilities around the world and specially our collaborator Virtual Observatory, Italy with live commentary by astrophysicist Dr. Gianluca Masi and a live chat box to ask questions and talk with others. Join in and share the fun with others around the world.

Past Events:

Cosmic Treasures - 9 Dec. 2010, 22:00 UT
AWB and the Virtual Telescope Project announce a new online observing event, bringing another unforgettable astronomical experience to participants. Explore the Universe through the Internet, having fun from home while meeting people from around the globe.

Big Dipper to Southern Cross - January 2010
Took place in January 2010, on the 8th in the northern hemisphere and on the 10th in the southern hemisphere. A total of 7500 people from more than 80 countries took part in the two-part event. The sky of each hemisphere was highlighted for the benefit of residents of the other hemisphere. Find links to reports and images from the event on the project page.

First AWB online observing event - 25 Sept, 2009
On Sept. 25, Astronomers Without Borders and the Virtual Telescope held the first AWB online observing session. This event is the first of many to be carried out through this new partnership -- a long-term program of online observing that brings together AWB Affiliates and friends from around the world to look up and share the sky.

Online Observing Project Collaborator:


The Virtual Telescope Project, Italy