Chris Malin ISS movie

A gorgeous new video captures aurorae, sunsets and moonsets, star trails, lightning storms, and other views of Earth from space. Christoph Malin, one of the participating photographers in AWB’s program The World at Night, complied The ISS Image Frontier: Making the Invisible Visible from photographs taken from the International Space Station by astronaut Dr. Don Pettit.

The 16-minute video includes four different time-lapse segments, as well as lecture clips of Dr. Pettit discussing the challenges of photography from the ISS, including cramped quarters, reflections in windows, and the incredible speed at which the ISS is zipping along its orbit. Dr. Pettit’s innovative photography and passion for the work has changed the way we see our home planet.

The Vimeo page for The ISS Image Frontier includes additional information about the video, including a separate piece about how it was made. It’s beautiful work; check it out!