The GAM AstroPoetry Contest had an especially international flavor this year, with the first-place-winning poems in the Adult and Young Adult categories coming from England and China.  The contest winners and their prizes are shown on the AWB website.  We’ve also posted the winning poems in each of the contest’s three categories: Adult, Young Adult, and Children.

Our thanks to all the fine poets worldwide who submitted some 90 poems to the contest.  Only 15 of them could be chosen as winners (three prizes plus two honorable mentions in each of three categories), but there were many other fine poems.  During the coming year, the AWB AstroPoetry Blog will be showcasing many of those poems which did not make the “winners’ circle.”

Finally, our special thanks to the contest sponsors—Celestron, Hotech, Sky & Telescope, and Woodland Hills Telescope & Camera—for their generous donation of prizes.