ISS 450Students from Bozeman High School in Bozeman, Montana got a chance to make a real cosmic call and speak with Russian cosmonauts living, working and doing research aboard the International Space Station (ISS) on April 10, 2018. This special live and interactive question-and-answer connection with the ISS was made possible thanks to Astronomers Without Border’s (AWB) invitation to participate in a collaborative effort by Russia Today, Roscosmos State Corporation, and Energia Rocket and Space Corporation.

Cosmonauts 0411 450During the 20 minute Earth-to-space in-flight education downlink students from schools located in both USA and Russia asked questions about life aboard the space station and doing science projects in the microgravity of space. US students also got chance to participate in a lesson plan with their Russian counterparts about new engineering of portholes on spacecraft and experience a novel, virtual reality based view from the orbiting laboratory. RT Spacewalk 360 has collaborated with Roscosmos State Corporation and Energia Rocket and Space Corporation to bring the first panoramic 360 degree video filmed in open space to classrooms around the world.

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“International Collaboration happens in space exploration all the time, we wanted to help students realize that cooperation can happen between schools in other countries as well,” said Lindsay Bartolone, AWB Education Director. “AWB strives to work with dedicated educators from around the world like Lynn Powers to inspire students to see beyond their own neighborhoods and truly appreciate the wonders of the sky.”

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AWB connects people worldwide through innovative programs that are accessible to everyone regardless of geography and culture. Combining local events with online technology and a global community, AWB is a leader in promoting understanding and peaceful international relations, while also supporting outreach and education in astronomy.

Astronomers Without Borders is hoping to develop this pilot educational project into an ongoing program that connects schools from around the world with the International Space Station (ISS).