All GAM 2011 Programs

Throughout April, 2011

The GTTP MoonDays, is a collaborative activity of The  Galileo Teacher Training Programme and Astronomers Without Borders as part of the Global Astronomy Month 2011  . It will be launched during the Global Astronomy Month 2011.  It will be an invitation for educators, amateur astronomers, outreach promoters and everyone to observe and appreciate our natural satellite in a whole new way.  During GAM 2011, there will be a whole week devoted to exploration of the Moon (Lunar Week) as well as a selection of days spread throughout the month to embrace projects that require a longer time interval.  There will also be a set of dates throughout the whole year devoted to the exploration of the Moon, providing an opportunity for the completion of deeper research projects and a long-term exploration of our nearest neighbor.

Bellow is a list of all the GTTP MoonDays challenges and suggestions for you:

If you are an educator visit the Educator's Corner and find nice ideas to help you prepare a project with your students having the Moon as the main topic. Interesting prizes will be available for the best projects.

If you are an amateur astronomer and want to share our Moon wonders with people in your locality. If you have a robotic telescope or a simple webcam connected to your telescope you can share your observations with others around the globe, register your event in the Let's Observe and talk about the Moon -  Registration Form and help your country break the record of telescopes available to the public.

If you just want to participate in one of the sidewalk events check for telescopes available near your town in the Events Calendar page. The Night Skies Network group and the AstronomyLive website are hosting live broadcasts focusing on the Moon. You can find more information on the Live images from the Moon page.

If you like to understand celestial phenomena, take a pictures of the Moon you might be interested in several proposals we have for you in MoonDays Poster, The Moon Looks Like a Big Cheese, My Crescent Moon Looks Different !! . You can post your project in here: (to be announced soon) and subject it to public voting. The best proposals will receive nice prizes (to be announced soon).

If  your aim is to understand what researchers are studying on the Moon and venture yourself in some real research? Then take a look at our MoonDays Researcher's page or the MoonDays NewTech page

Try your artistic vein and share your Moon art with us. To get inspiration visit our Moonlight Poetry page. Prizes available to the best work of art voted by the public.

If you want to have a fun afternoon with your friends, promote an interesting activity to your students or just try a what a space exploration activity feels like try your luck in our Rover Challenges page

If you simply want to know more about the Moon you will find usefull information at the GTTP MoonDays Links page

Keep informed using our social network tools listed in GTTP MoonDays 2.0

As you can see through our vast offer you can participate in several ways. You can enjoy all the opportunities that will be available to you, share your equipment or your knowledge, You can also contribute by rating the quality of the presented projects and works or art. PARTICIPATE AND SHARE !!!!

Contact: [email protected]