GAM2012 News

April 1 to 7, 2012

Lunar WeekThe Moon—Earth’s traveling companion in space—is an integral part of life on Earth. Still, few people notice it or recognize its importance to us.  Through out Global Astronomy Month, the Moon will be celebrated via MoonDays . A week-long special series of programs, from April 1 through 7, will be dedicated to the Moon to help people rediscover our closest companion in space.

Featured Lunar Week Member Blogs:
Timaru, New Zealand

Lunar Week takes place while the Moon is well-placed for observation in the evening sky.  As the Moon's phases and positions change during its orbit around the Earth, there will be Moon-themed star parties to observe the Moon by telescope and naked eye, educational programs, online observing events, competitions and a celebration of the Moon in different cultures.  We will be distributing Moon-related information in various forms, including answers to such common questions as: Why is it important to explore the Moon?  How does the Moon affect our daily life?  Why is the Moon visible during the day or night?  Why do its phases change?  All Moon missions and educational programs are invited to participate.

Share your LunarWeek with us:

Share your LunarWeek images of outreach or lunar photography with us via GAM2012 Facebook or Flickr group or Tweet using #GAM2012 and/or #lunarweek hashtag (@gam_awb). Don’t forget to register your events here.