Thanks to the American Astronomical Society, throughout Global Astronomy Month, we will be featuring a Random Astronomy Fact everyday! Come back daily or tune into our social media channels to find out what is the fact of the day!

Trillions of neutrinos from the Sun's interior pass through your body per second, whether it's day or night. The subatomic particles do you no harm; there's no risk of neutrino sunburn or even a tan. Physicists detect them at huge underground labs. #gam2018 #RandomAstroFact

Help needed! You & your home computer can sift through satellite data to find “brown dwarfs” & possibly even the suspected 9th planet of our solar system. Just surf over to to get more information & join the hunt. #gam2018 #RandomAstroFact

Comets are usually named for their discoverers, but not Halley's. Edmond Halley (1656-1741) figured out that the comet now named for him returns about every 76 years, confirming that comets are in closed orbits around the Sun. It'll be back in 2061. #gam2018 #RandomAstroFact

The Crab Nebula emits visible light, radio waves, X-rays & more, contains a pulsar spinning 30 times/sec & is expanding at over 900 miles/sec. It's the remains of a supernova explosion of a large star, seen with the naked eye (even in daytime) in 1054. #gam2018 #RandomAstroFact