12 April 2018, 02:30 UT

Join this special 10th anniversary online observing event from the Virtual Telescope  ALL Messier objects will be seen!

Would you like to explore the many treasures of the famous Messier Catalogue from home? Would you like to see as many of them as possible, in a single night? Then you should join us on this Messier Marathon!

Join Gianluca Masi as he will offer an Online Messier Marathon, using Virtual Telescopes robotic scopes to provide real time images and live comments. All this while chatting and sharing your passion and excitement with friends from all around the world.

Participation is easy. Simply watch live at The Virtual Telescope's WebTV.


Translate Universal Time (UT) into your time

What is a Messier Marathon?

Share your experience with the world on Facebook or Twitter using #GAM2018 (@gam_awb).