- Published: Monday, November 30 -0001 00:00
Waking up, fall back to sleep
Waking up, fall back to sleep
What is waking me up?
Is there something I should be doing?
Ok I’m awake now, I will get up
Still dark outside
Woke up the old dog, lets go outside
Walked outside, looked up and said WOW
Familiar points of lights in the sky
Hello friends I say to myself
Neck cocked back, scanning the night sky of beauty
A dim streak of light falls
A construction vehicle beeper in the distance
Another dim light falls from the sky
Train whistle blows
A bright streak of light out of the corner of my eye
Two more falling, long and fast
Coyotes playing in the woods
Wanting more
One, two, three more
Thank you Perseid for waking me up
-by Michael Uberty