By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (text) and Florin Alexandru Stancu (design)

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One day in May I felt an irresistible impulse to recapitulate significant aspects of GAM 2020 and I found out other elements to be added to this unique memory.

Then I asked my good fellow Florin Alexandru Stancu if there is motivation to try an extension for our pandemic astro-journal and cosmopoetry project of the Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy-SARM (part of the AWB Astropoetry Blog mega-project) as an imperfect, incomplete and non-conformist (but necessary) document of these hallucinating times, and he gladly said: “Let’s do it!”

So we looked especially for astrophotography and also for other courageous initiatives realized on April 1-30, 2020, just because for us those who found out solutions to serve astronomy during the pandemic times are real heroes. 

And astropoetry is a way to celebrate not only astronomy, but also those who make astronomy.

My examples for this theme are more important (amateur and professional) astronomers and astronomical entities who continued to be active (each of them after possibilities in accordance to the pandemic regulations) during the time of GAM 2020 and whose photos I admired through my computer that day (which I tried to reconstitute below, filtering and cropping their images after my inspiration).

Before showing that travel in the past, I thank Florin Alexandru Stancu for technical support (image design) and Valentin Grigore (president of SARM and AWB national coordinator for Romania) for his general support. 

GAM 2020 -
lucky me, a time tunnel
in my computer
-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe- 

To be continued…


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